Learn more about the committees and volunteers that make our organization possible!


Will you volunteer to assist/shadow a board member for the coming year and then step into their shoes for 2024-2025? We especially need Treasurer, Event Chairs and a new President(s). You can find a description of our board roles below. Aside from board members, we would appreciate any amount of time or effort you might be able to contribute in a volunteer role. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or join us as a guest for any of our upcoming board meetings which are open to the public. Thank you! CWCPresidents@gmail.com


Leads the board and organization, helps determine direction and initiatives for CWC, communicates with board members and committees, and acts as an ambassador for CWC within the community.  Danielle Boreczky and Chris Geimer: president@caringwomensconnection.com

Attends monthly board meetings and other important meetings and records and distributes the meeting minutes.
Sally Fassenden sallyfezz71@icloud.com


Maintains, updates and creates content for our CWC website and social media; creates and distributes regular emails to our database; provides promotion and PR for campaigns and events; helps write articles for the newsletter.
Laurie Wilhoit: Laurie@caringwomensconnection.com, Jane Glover:communications@caringwomensconnection.com

Caring Contributor Chair:

Communicates with interested individuals, donors and attendees to provide updates, answer questions and maintain an ongoing relationship. Coordinates relavent CWC informational materials at our events.
Susanne DePaepe: susanne@caringwomensconnection.com


Design and create campaign and event graphics, invitations, programs and signage; layout and design newsletter and coordinate printing and mailing to local households.
Chris Geimer: chris@chrisgeimerdesign.com


Maintains and updates all of CWC’s financial records using QuickBooks; provides documents for annual tax returns, oversees deposits and payments; tracks expenses and budgets for various categories; collects payments at events; keeps the board updated on financial status and end-of-year balance available for grants.
Kay Lobo: treasurer@caringwomensconnection.com

Community Outreach:

Promotes CWC Corporate Membership and sponsorships to the local business community: coordinates fundraising events with businesses: tracks benefits for and maintains communication with Corp. Members; participates in a local networking group, chamber, and other local events.
Susan Passaglia: outreach@caringwomensconnection.com, Paula Hoerner: paula@caringwomensconnection.com


Chairs the Grants Committee (of volunteers); coordinates posting and review of applications; provides the Board with summary sheets for each applicant and provides supplemental information as needed; leads the allocation meeting in May. Joy Little: grants@caringwomensconnection.com


Leads annual purchasing and distribution for Backpack Mania, Thanksgiving dinner donations and Holiday Helpers for local shelters including coordinating specific requests and deliveries; maintains relationships with local charitable organizations and shelters and their needs and works with volunteers.
Patty Renz: patty@caringwomensconnection.com


Helps with social events; designs and creates decor for themed events (Love Fund Auction and Spring Luncheon).
Karen Korenkiewicz: kjkorenkiewicz@yahoo.com


Solicits and coordinates raffle item donations for major events; prepares items, sets up raffle & item descriptions.
Laura Hoyt Staley: donations@caringwomensconnection.com

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