Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 to award to students and non-profits this Spring. We are currently halfway to our goal. Our non-gala Gala is coming up in February. Our thought with this new non-event is enjoy a night at home with friends and to put the money where it can be used the best by saving the money spent on the dress, hair, nails, babysitter, etc. We are looking for 100 couples/businesses to donate $100 (or more) to our Love Fund and will receive a special thank you on our website, mention in an eblast, and social media.
Thank you to our donors:
Kim & Brad Bachelor
Lisa & Jeff Charnogorsky
Denise Gornick
Jalana & Bill Handal
Cheryl & Frank Haas
Paula & Ron Hoerner
Susan Kearns
Carlos & Kay Lobo
Susan and Richard Kirshner
Josh and Kate Pedigo
Joanne & Anthony Pence
Sharon Popielewski
Ann & Michael Severeson
Jose Yu & Ann Shen
Nicole & Ryan Schultes
Carol Skarlat
Judy Thode
Laurie & Jeff Wilhoit
William Ryan Homes – Stonebridge/ Kristine Surratt
Tracy Woodridge
Mail to: CWC
P.O. Box 234,
Lake Zurich, IL 60047